Live Without Anxiety

You Asked & We Listened!

As requested, one of our most effective programs is back!

Hear why this 6-week program is so effective

Class: 6 Sundays
March 9 - April 13
8–10am PT/ 10 CT/ 11 ET

Practicum:  6 Thursdays
March 13 - April 17
4-4:45pm PT/ 6 CT/ 7 ET   or   6-6:45pm PT/ 8 CT/ 9 ET

A Personal Invitation from Caren

Dear One,

Welcome to this very personal, intimate, practical course that I initially created for my daughter.

In 2021 she was experiencing anxiety after the birth of her second child and she asked if I could teach a class on anxiety for her. I said yes, but found myself stalling because I hadn't taught a class like that and, even though I'd been meditating for over twenty five years and teaching for almost almost fifteen, I wasn't sure I really had the credentials to offer a 'class' on anxiety.

But her anxiety was progressing into panic attacks and crippling paralysis and I found myself spending more and more time on the phone, or at her house, using meditation wisdom and techniques to guide her through the waves of panic, tears, and anxiety, as they arose during her days and nights.

And it was helping. She was benefitting. She asked again for a class, and this time I said, "Yes. I'll create a class for you."

This course is that class. I poured my heart into sharing with my daughter, and twenty of my students, what I had learned and used in my own life. It included information and techniques from three different areas: medical/neuro science and therapeutic research, my years of mindfulness training, and my decades of meditation study and training. 

In truth, I had no idea what would be of benefit to this diverse group of beings so I threw in everything I knew. Turns out, integrating the three distinct approaches had great value. 

It worked. It made a difference. People's lives changed. Some dramatically, my daugher among them, and others more quietly. By overwhelming request, I'm offering it again in hopes that it can help in these very uncertain and unstable times. Over the six weeks you will discover how to live without the anxiety that is sabotaging your happiness and quality of life. 

Scroll down to learn more about what the course includes and see if it's a good fit for you. If some part of you is longing for a taste of what you see here, I'd love to have you join us. 



"This series was amazing for giving me specific, experiential, applicable tools for learning how to more effectively interact with my anxiety. I love that Caren helped us go deeper than the very broad term 'anxiety' and get specific about what was coming up for us. I learned how to more intentionally help myself through the tough moments."  - Kelsey

Are You Ready to Feel ...

  • Less Anxious
  • Less Panic
  • Less Isolated
  • Less Fear
  • Less Overwhelmed
  • Less Alone
  • Less Dread
  • Less Disconnected
  • Less Shame

You’ve watched YouTube videos and googled what to do.
You’ve read all about how you should breathe through it but you’re pretty sure learning to “breathe through it” is really code for, “these feelings will be there for the rest of your life and you will just have to learn to live with them.”
That’s NOT your goal.

You want a Step-by-Step Guide to the Path out of Anxiety

You want to know that if you follow steps 1-2-3 …

  • Feelings of panic and anxiety won’t come up and disable you anymore.
  • You won’t have to live with anxiety for the rest of your life.
  • You will know how to calmly and wisely handle whatever life brings your way.

Why Our Unique Program Works

We bring together knowledge and wisdom from three different
yet effective approaches for dealing with anxiety.

  • Neuroscience and current medical research to understand and work with the brain and nervous system on the biophysical level.
  • Mindfulness practices that have proven over decades to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Meditation techniques and wisdom to transform the habits of thought and reactivity at the root of your anxiety and show you how to be happy, content, and at peace.

What You'll Learn Through Practice

  • 6 techniques to neutralize anxiety and reprogram your mind.
  • 6 life practices to create balanced and healthy responses to life’s challenges.
  • What if feels like to be calm, at ease, resilient, wise, and free!

What You'll Learn Each Week

Week 1: The Roots of Anxiety

  • The power of thought and perception.
  • Expand your emotional vocabulary.
  • Self compassion and Loving Kindness.
  • How to sit with difficult emotions


  • Finding your safe place.
  • Meditation for Strength.
  • Mudras for emotional balance.
  • Practices for calming and centering.
  • System reset for grounding and focus.

Week 2: Emotional Imprints

  • Power of forgotten memories.
  • Importance of emotions.
  • The brain's role in anxiety.
  • 5-steps for regulating mind and body.
  • Allowing vs resisting.
  • Investigating sensations.


  • Using breath to anchor and ground.
  • Mudras to balance energy.
  • Finger holds.
  • How to do 'uncomfortable.'
  • Difficult emotions: exploring vs fixing.

Week 3: The Subtle Energy Body

  • Anatomy of the energy body.
  • Introduction to karma.
  • Anxiety as a karmic event.
  • Root of fear.
  • Reframing for emotional balance.
  • Refine your awareness.


  • Balance your brain hemispheres.
  • Balance your energy body.
  • Breaking thought loops and spirals.
  • Practice for thought interruption.
  • Noticing the shift.

Week 4: Support and Presence

  • Three portals to the present.
  • Thought patterns and samskaras.
  • Regulation vs allowing.
  • Awareness for high stress situations.
  • Subconscious and the energy body.
  • Resistance to new ways of being.


  • Identify thought patterns.
  • Breaking the cycle of overwhelm.
  • Identify the root of thought patterns.
  • Inner Child: where deep work begins.
  • Acceptance instead of resistance.

Week 5:  Karma and Energy

  • Mind, body, spirit connection.
  • Yogic perspective on karma.
  • Levels of mind and consciousness.
  • Subconsious imprints:vasanas
  • Dissolving your deepest fears.
  • Updating your personal beliefs.


  • Energy body and the mind.
  • Breathing techniques for balance
  • Making friends with your fear.
  • The power of attitude.
  • Mantras for mindset shifts.

Week 6:  Real Time | Real World

  • Regulating anxiety in real-time.
  • Future thoughts.
  • Investigating and questioning.
  • Transitions between work and home.
  • Control vs trust.
  • Life without anxiety is possible.


  • Anchors to ground in the present.
  • Opening the heart.
  • Compassion for your younger self.
  • The power of repetition.
  • Mantras for mindset shifts.

You'll Also Receive a Private Course Page, including:

Audio & Video Recordings of the Classes & Practicums

Audio & Video Recordings of the Classes & Practicums

Downloadable Transcripts & Handouts

Meditations & Exercises

"The Anxiety class changed my relationship with anxiety. I was able to see it from a viewpoint I had not considered. I have more compassion and less frustration with myself." ~ Julie 

Meet Caren

IThis course contains the wisdom gained from my own personal journey through decades of what today is called 'anxiety,' but in my day we called fear, shame, agoraphobia, stage fright, paralyzing dread, nervousness, unworthiness, terror, people-pleasing, manic-depression, approval-seeking, fear of failure, lack of confidence, etc...

In other words, periods of deep fear, uncertainty, paralyzing unhappiness, hopelessness, and despair.

As fate would have it, I stopped drinking and drugging in 1975—I was 22—and with my sobriety came the admonition to refrain from taking any 'mind or mood altering' drugs or painkillers—not even asprin. So unlike the world around me, I wasn't able to medicate to deal with the pain and discomfort of living my life. My only choice was to learn how to deal with the raw, intense emotions that would surface at the most inopportune times. 

This course is the summation of what I learned from 12-step programs, one good therapist, exploring different religions and philosophies, self-help authors and teachers, but most importantly from my guru and other incredibly wise meditation teachers.  They showed me how to use the wisdom of meditation and mindfulness to transform my mind, my heart, and my being. Meditation transformed me in ways nothing else had. It was practical, useful, and it worked.

This course was created with deep caring and love for my daughter and my students. My hope being that they, like me, could discover a life free from anxiety and fear which will allow their own primordial wings of wisdom to unfold so they are able to create a life filled with happiness, compassion, and joy.

If you'd like to unfold your wings too, I urge you to join us. This shit works!

"This class was the best! Not only did I learn where anxiety comes from and how it functions, but I developed the skills and tools to help myself when I feel anxiety coming on. I found it immensely useful to parent my neurodivergent teen who lives with a severe anxiety disorder. Suddenly there was less judgment, less frustration, more understanding and more support in the moment. I still use the techniques I learned. I can't recommend this class enough!" ~April

Here's What You'll Receive

6 weeks of 2 Hour LIVE classes with Caren on Zoom

No pre-recorded content. It's all live and in person time with Caren.  Sundays are for learning. 

6 LIVE Practicum Sessions - 45 minutes each

Thursdays are for practice. It takes both learning and practice to reprogram your body and brain, conscious, and subconscious minds, so your anxiety will finally Rest In Peace.

Intimate Small Groups

Part of the value of our unique program is the opportunities it gives to have the techniques catered for your lifestyle and personality. 


Suffering with anxiety can be quite lonely.  The community of support you'll find will help you feel a sense of connection and caring that will carry you through both joyous and challenging times.

Private Course Page

Audio and video of each class and practicum will be posted on the course page.  You'll also find downloadable class transcripts, handouts, meditations and exercises.

Option for On-Going Support

At the end of the course you will have the opportunity for ongoing support with your fellow participants. 

Join Our 6 Week Program!

Live without Anxiety 

Class: 6 Sundays
March 9, 16, 23, 30 April 6, 13
8–10am PT/ 10 CT/ 11 ET

Practicum: 6 Thursdays
March 13, 20, 27  April 3, 10, 17
4-4:45pm PT/ 6 CT/ 7 ET   or   6-6:45pm PT/ 8 CT/ 9 ET


Register Today! Space is Limited.

Ramon's quote

Common Questions

I’ve never meditated before, can I join this class?

Yes! This isn't a "meditation" class so much as a class that includes meditation as one of the tools you can use to learn how to create a life free of anxiety. All will benefit from the breadth of the information and practices being shared whether you're a meditator or not. 

Do you meditate the entire class?

Not to worry. It's not that kind of class. What makes this program unique is the amount of time we devote to discussion, practice, and answering questions so you'll come away truly understanding how to use what you're learning.

How important are the practicum sessions?

Very! The practice sessions on Thursdays are essential for understanding, integrating, and learning the techniques so you can use them in real time during your very real daily life. The material we cover on Thursday is different from what is covered in Sunday class. 

Is this going to take a lot of time?

Honestly?  It really is an investment of time.  This program is an intensive immersion where you can practice the skills you learn in real time. BUT, you'll discover that you're spending less time and money, than you would in traditional therapy.  The results are immediate and build over time.

My life is crazy, what if I have to miss a class?

We totally get it. We record every class and each week both the class and the practicum will be posted to your private course page so you can watch or listen at your convenience. What is most effective about the class, is the opportunity to study in person with Caren.

Do I have to keep my camera on?

Since the class is very interactive, we do encourage everyone to keep their cameras on. It helps us gauge if we are communicating clearly and also to make sure you are doing the techniques properly.

How formal is the program?

We are a friendly (and introvert friendly), easy going group. It's totally fine to dress comfortably—you'll be sitting for a while—and to bring your morning coffee or tea, or even a snack to class.  We encourage you to just be yourself. This is a safe space.

Alright Loves, I Adore You and
I Think You’re Wonderful!

~ our favorite 'Caren-ism'


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