Friday, November 15, 2024
5:00 – 6:15pm PT / 7:00 CT / 8:00 ET


If you feel/believe/know that there is some part of us that continues on, even after the physical body dies, I invite you to join us for this beautiful annual ritual.

During the sign of Scorpio, with the full moon in Taurus, it is said the veil between the worlds—physical realm and subtle realm—are the thinnest of the year. Which means our thoughts and blessings travel more easily and immediately into the spirit realm. It also explains why in many religions and cultures the world over, this time of year is considered a most auspicious time to share blessings with loved ones, friends, and even pets, who have departed from the earth plane. 

This ritual:

  • Gives you the chance to communicate things you wish you had said.
  • Helps neutralize regrets for things you did or didn’t say, did or didn’t do.
  • Is a time to share your blessings.
  • Helps bring you peace, tranquility, comfort and closure.
  • Leaves you feeling connected and blessed.

This year, you are encouraged to have with you:

  • A picture of your loved one, friend, or pet. It’s okay to use a picture on your phone.
  • A five dollar bill. Or several one dollar bills.

I hope you can join us for this very personal and intimate ritual. It will leave you feeling connected and comforted, filled with the light and love you shared, and… it’s hard to put this into words… but like, you’ve done something sacred and special to help your loved one’s soul on their journey. It’s a sacred, beautiful thing.

“Love is eternal.
You will meet again those that you love.”
– Goswami Kriyananda


Location: ZOOM
