You’re Doing a Good Job

When you saw that title, was your first response, “If you really knew me, you’d know I’m not.”?

To which I’ll reply gently, kindly, knowingly… “What I do know is that if I stepped into your life, into your story, with all the things that have happened to you, there’s no way I could do it even half as well as you!” 

You see, in the world of meditation, there is a recognition that each of us has shown up for a unique set of experiences–some people might call it your karma but there’s a good chance they don’t have a clue about what karma really means so we’ll save that discussion for another time. For now, I’d rather put it this way…

We’re all here to learn something we didn’t know before. How to do something we couldn’t do before. Understand something we didn’t understand before. 

Each one of you moms has a unique set of circumstances that have shaped the path that is yours, and yours alone, to walk and experience. And no one, no one, can do it better than you. It’s YOUR path.

There is a beautiful quote meditators lean on to help us stand in our authentic-ness when we are tempted to judge ourselves, or others, for ‘not doing a good enough job.”

In other words, be you. Stop comparing, judging, and thinking you know how best to live another person’s life. It’s better for you to do an imperfect job of YOU than to tell everyone else how to do theirs. Why is this important? 

Because as you stop judging the rest of the world, you will be able to stop judging yourself and then you will see…

You are doing a good job, mom!

Moms, our Meditation for Moms 8-week series begins on January 27. We would love to have you join us.

